The -get-css-files command is designed to extract and list all Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) files from a user-specified URL. This is particularly useful for web developers, designers, and security professionals who wish to review or analyze the style assets of a website.

To fetch all CSS files from the website https://example.com, you can execute the following command:

python linkscraper -u https://example.com -a get-css-files


The -filter option allows users to refine their results by including only those entries that match the filter keyword.

python linkscraper -u https://example.com -a get-css-files -filter example.css

Show minify files

The -smf option filters the listed files to display only minified ones identified as .min.css.

python linkscraper -u https://example.com -a get-css-files -smf


You can also download all the listed files easily; simply use the -d flag.

python linkscraper -u https://example.com -a get-css-files -d