Imgur API Integration

To integrate with Imgur's API, follow this guide:

  1. Sign Up for an Account: If you're not an Imgur user, register here.
  2. Application Registration: Go to Imgur's developer portal and register your app. This grants API access and provides your Client ID and Secret.
  3. Form Details:
  4. Application Name: Assign a distinctive name to your app.
  5. Authorization Type: Select your preferred authorization flow. Typically, "OAuth 2 without a callback URL" suffices.
  6. Contact & Overview: Provide your email and a concise app description.
  7. Finalize Registration: Submit the form.
  8. Secure Your Credentials: Post-registration, you'll receive a Client ID and Client Secret. Store these securely, as they're essential for API interactions.
  9. API Calls: With your Client ID, you're set to interact with the Imgur API. Always respect Imgur's API practices and terms.

Reminder: The free-tier has rate limits. For extensive API usage, consider premium plans or optimize your app to stay within free limits. Always refer to Imgur's official documentation for current details.

Visit the Environments page to learn how to save the key in your .env file so that Linkscraper starts using your key.